Independent Living
at Kingston HealthCare

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The Life You Love Made Easier

Celebrate life with the ease, convenience, and support Kingston HealthCare is proudly known for.

Independent living provides residents with a lifestyle rich in engaging experiences, considerate services, and compassionate help. Break free from the routine of daily chores and household maintenance and spend more time focused on what matters most: living life exactly the way you want.

Explore what independent living has to offer and get in touch with a Kingston HealthCare community near you. 

What Is Independent Living?

Independent living supports active seniors with personalized services to help them embrace a worry-free approach to life.

With private suites, concierge services, and daily events to always look forward to, Kingston HealthCare aims to provide a lifestyle where peace of mind and genuine hospitality work together to make each day something to celebrate.

When Is Independent Living the Right Choice?

Independent living is the perfect lifestyle choice for active, healthy seniors looking to unburden themselves from redundant chores and home maintenance so they can focus on 1 thing: living life.

With the help of Kingston HealthCare, independent living can grant residents the time they crave to explore their interests, embrace their passions, and enjoy a life well lived.

Foster connections and cherish the little moments. Take part in group outings, recurring social clubs, and an array of family-friendly events.

Our residents can access comprehensive therapy services, innovative health programs, and 24/7 health care whenever needed.

Enjoy nutritious, homestyle meals crafted by celebrated chefs, served daily using fresh ingredients. No clean-up necessary.

Find an Independent Living Community Near You

Kingston Residence of Marion

  • ​464 James Way
  • Marion OH
  • 43302
  • 740-389-2311

Kingston Residence of Santa Fe

  • 2400 Legacy Court
  • Santa Fe NM
  • 87507
  • 505-471-2400

Kingston Residence of Sylvania

  • 4125 King Rd.
  • Sylvania OH
  • 43560
  • 419-824-4200

Kingston Residence of Hickory

  • 904 2nd Street NE
  • Hickory NC
  • 28601
  • 828-327-9955

Live the Life You Want. Find a Community Today.

Explore Life
at Kingston HealthCare

Independent Living

Independent living offers an enriching community experience where ease and convenience are always top-of-mind. Live for the moment, we’ll handle the rest. 

Independent Living

Assisted Living

Embrace each day with true peace of mind through assisted living. We offer 24/7 onsite nursing alongside our complete array of services, experiences, and amenities.

Assisted Living

Memory Care

Help your loved one make the most of every moment with our personalized approach to memory care.

Memory Care

Skilled Nursing

Through skilled nursing and compassionate healthcare, we provide professional, 24/7 support for a wide range of daily living and medical needs.

Skilled Nursing


Work with professional on-site therapists, dieticians, and other rehabilitation experts to embrace a healthier side of life. 


What Our Staff Are Saying

“A true loving and caring team that provided incredible care for our family.”

Reach Out To Us

Contact Information

24 hour availability

Our Address

  • One SeaGate, Suite 1960
  • Toledo, Ohio 43604

Have a question?

Our call lines are always open. Get in touch with us today.

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